Do you have a daily high shipping volume in your company?
You have now reached the desired size. We support you with a professional and reliable fulfillment process at all levels so that you finally have time for other projects.
+1,000 shipments per week
You have already sent many shipments and want to keep growing
Volume discount
Of course, there will be a volume discount for higher shipping volumes
First class service
Our team is ready to support you in all matters

Some of the online shops that we connect

We have an unlimited storage space in our warehouse
Our modern warehouse is equipped with parking and pallet spaces as well as high racks. 24-hour video surveillance guarantees high security standards and protection.
Takeover of your in-house staff
To create more space and save money, we take over your in-house logistics staff. We integrate it with our experienced and knowledgeable warehouse team, so everything will run smoothly.

Customized and flexible offers for your shipping volumes
A competent and reliable team takes over the fulfillment process
Our services are characterized by high quality standards
We have 30 years of experience as a logistics partner
The storage, packaging and shipping for your business is done with us from a single source. Together we will discuss the best and most efficient solution for your company.
Well thought-out fulfillment
Thanks to our fulfillment software, the logistics process happens automatically
Shipping network
Through our international shipping network, we will find the right partner for you
Individual packaging
We pack your goods according to your ideas and also offer branding options
Favorable tariffs
Our fulfillment prices are cost-saving. Fair conditions are important to us.
International Shipping
We ship worldwide at low-cost shipping rates
Reliable team
You can always rely on us. Your shipments always go out on time.
Global Mail is your international logistics partner.
+43 1 258 33 77 - 0